Customer Service – Grow Your Audience

By now, most of you know how much importance and value I place on the concept of “best in class customer service,” whether that means delivering it to a client or being on the receiving end of it as a consumer. Along those lines, getting your message out is vital when trying to build your business. Recently, I surpassed 1000 friends on Facebook and have a combined 5300 followers on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Please accept this post as a small token of my appreciation. Thank you all for your invitations to connect, meet and develop strong, meaningful relationships, both in person and through social media. I am most grateful. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Customer Service – Treating Your Client as a Business Partner

This past week I was invited as a guest speaker at a real estate conference attended by appraisers, lenders and realtors to discuss new changes coming to our industry this summer. I was honored to be asked to participate and assist our clients in providing vital information that affects their customers. Part of delivering best in class customer service includes going the extra mile to help your clients grow their business, take an interest in the products and services, find out more about their needs and provide a solution that solves their problems and gets them to where they want to be. When you do this, you will find how in turn, your clients find ways to help your business, with new orders, referrals and prospects. It may sound simple, yet so many companies fall short, which allows someone like myself stand out by acting as a participant in my customer’s business.

Customer Service Success Story – Minnie Minoso

I put a premium on best in class customer service. When it came to baseball, no one played harder or delivered when it mattered most, than Minnie Minoso. As Ernie Banks was known as “Mr. Cub” on the North Side of town, to a certain generation, Minoso was known as “Mr. White Sox” on the South Side of Chicago. Minoso was the first Black Cuban to play in the major leagues and the first black to play for the White Sox. During the 1950’s, Minoso was the best player on the team, having at various points led the team and league in hits, doubles, triples, stolen bases, along with hitting over .300 several times. He was just as good on defense, having lead the league in put outs, assists and double plays, while winning a number of gold gloves in the outfield. After Minnie retired professional baseball, he went on to become one of the White Sox best ambassadors. Minnie’s positive attitude and genuine enthusiasm won the hearts of many a Sox fan. I had a brief conversation with him near the ballpark long after he retired and I’ll never forget his outgoing personality and joy he had for life. Minoso was put to rest on Saturday and although he will be missed, his legacy will live on in the memories of baseball fans everywhere.