Customer Service Success Story – Leonard Nimoy

Delivering best in class customer service is a goal I strive for each and every day. I also appreciate when I see someone provide excellence for their clients. Leonard Nimoy did just that for his many fans. As an actor, he changed the way millions of Americans looked at outer space and shaped sci-fi programming success as Mr. Spock, the half human, half Vulcan member of the Starship Enterprise on the television show Star Trek. His “Live Long and Prosper” phrase became synonymous with his character, who was well known for lacking emotion yet was very intelligent, logical and over time developed a compassion for his fellow crew members. Equally, I enjoyed his work on the series Mission Impossible, where he played Paris, a former magician that became an IMF agent, then as the voice for the In Search Of series, which allowed him to explore outer space, the paranormal, and other mysteries. He would go on to further success as an author and director, along with appearing in many movies. Yet, he would always be associated with Star Trek. To his credit, he had a good sense of humor and made appearances on The Simpsons, Duckman and Futurama. Nimoy passed away Friday. He will be missed.

Recommended Book

For those of you that are die hard Chicago Bears fans, pick up a copy of Rich Cohen’s “Monsters The 1985 Chicago Bears and the Wild Heart of Football.” Rich does a great job of interviewing players and coaches from the Super Bowl Championship team, while reflecting on his past growing up during this time of franchise excellence. The history along with the frank comments and insight shared by each person allows you into a world most fans never see. I enjoyed the book thoroughly and suggest it to any Bears fan.