Customer Service Recommended Video

Delivering best in class customer service is essential to growing your business. Jack Canfield’s “Secret to Success” video on YouTube shares the principles that are crucial to your personal growth. Jack’s approach and concepts are easy to understand, timeless and gives you valuable insight to how successful individuals think. Set aside a few minutes to watch and if you’ve seen it before, take a moment or two and watch it again.

Customer Service Success Story – Remembering Walter Payton

As most know, Chicago Bears Hall of Fame running back Walter Payton would have celebrated his 60th birthday this year. He gave us so many great memories and stories to share. One of mine happened off the field. A few years after Payton retired, he and I participated in a call in radio show question and answer segment. As a young broadcaster, it was a very exciting moment. Walter and I discussed a number of topics from player movement, to NFL expansion and more. He was very friendly, engaged in the conversation and knowledgable in each area. I recently came across a recording of our discussion and had a chance to listen to it again. Walter really wanted to be a majority owner of a NFL team and I’m sure if he was alive today would have reached that goal, as he did so often in his career. Payton delivered best in class customer service to each fan that watched him play in person or on television and I’m glad I was able to speak with him for those few minutes over the airwaves, a moment of my life I’ll remember always.