Recommended Video

As you focus on delivering best in class customer service to your clients, remember to also grow your personal wealth in the process. Take a moment to watch Brian Tracy’s video, “Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires,” on YouTube. Brian shares his knowledge and insight on what characteristics and skills many financially secured people have in common with one another. His research provides a detailed blue print on how to start your journey to success, or for some of you that have gotten sidetracked, a chance to begin again. As we reach December, this video is a great way to get yourself going.

Customer Service Success Story – The Chicago Blackhawks

On October 6, 2007, Chicago Blackhawks owner William “Bill” Wirtz, died. It was the end of one era and the beginning of another. His son Rocky, took over the team and never looked back. The team he inherited was in bad shape. It had little talent, low attendance and a dwindling fanbase. He made dramatic changes on the ice and off, starting with hiring away Cubs President John McDonough to welcoming back team legends like Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita. He then rehired future hall of fame announcer Pat Foley and began showing home games on cable and road games on broadcast television. On the ice, they selected Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane, signed star Marian Hossa and brought in Joel Quenneville as their head coach. The moves led to their first Stanley Cup championship in nearly 50 years. Rocky had a desire to return the team to glory and made the tough decisions to make it happen. This is a great example of a successful turnaround story and delivering best in class customer service for your client.