
The forecast for the Chicagoland area this week is partly sunny with a high in the upper 60′s to lower 70′s and a low in the lower 50′s. Temperatures should rise Saturday and Sunday, with highs in the lower 80′s and lows in the upper 60′s, with mostly cloudy skies mixed in with a chance of thurnderstorms.


The forecast for the Chicagoland area this week is partly cloudy with a high in the upper 70’s to lower 80’s and a low in the lower 50’s. Temperatures may dip Thursday and Friday, with highs in the lower 60′s and lows in the upper 40′s, with mostly cloudy skies mixed in with rain showers.

Recommended Book

Free Agent Nation is an interesting read.  Written by Daniel H. Pink, it chronicles the transition of the American workforce from a more traditional employer – employee relationship to one of independent contractors, temporary personnel, consultants and the self employed.  Although published in 2001, many of the points in the book resonate in today’s economic environment.  Definitely worth a look…